This past week I have been working like a mad lady. In fact, I got up Saturday morning early to go to work. I had a major deadline Monday and I needed to work on Saturday to meet it.
En route to work, Hubby's 1999 Tahoe would not shift gears beyond 2nd gear. I took it to our repair shop.
Unfortunately, they confirmed on Monday what I felt on Saturday. The car is a dunzo. We could either sell it for pennies (actually slightly more than pennies but still no fun) or sink another $2000 into the vehicle. We chose to sell it since our goal was to get LML a new or newer car this summer/fall due to work.
Not my car but close enough |
We still want to wait another month or two for financial reasons. Thus I am now a proud driver of a 1976 jeep with no AC or Heat. It also lacks a working radio or a driver's side window that rolls down. No drive thrus for me ... This can be good for my diet.
The biggest concern is the busted gas gage. I have warned all of my friends that I might one day be stranded. I then proceeded to tell them if they see me stranded to not stop but instead hurry to the gas station and return to rescue me.
Aww friend, Jeeps are super cute! And I'm glad to hear you had a great V-day! I sure did:)