I cannot believe that Christmas is upon us so quickly! It seems that December has flown by me and now I a three days away from the beginning of my Christmas Festivities!
I am really excited about my tree, but I left my photo card at home, so the picture will have to wait till tomorrow. I also will be putting up a sewing Sunday post on Weds (since I missed two weeks!).
I also cannot wait until we have our first official holiday celebration at the house.
Top Ten Things I am looking forward to over the next week:
10. Seeing all of my friends from High School who are back this way during the holidays.
9. Getting two days off of work this week!
8. Finishing up my Christmas Decorations (i.e. swag for mantle that I need to make in the early AM tomorrow)
7. Eating Cinnamon Rolls on Christmas morning (no Christmas morning is complete without breaking out a pan of the family recipe)
6. Delivering my cinnamon rolls to all my family and friends over the next two days
5. Beginning cooking for Christmas dinner tomorrow!
4. Making Chex Mix for LML's co-workers tonight
3. Polishing the silver tonight (I know I am one weird Chick! I love polishing silver, especially near Christmas. I blame my father and our annual silver polishing nights near Christmas every single year! I remember it as one night where all five of us were in the same house with nothing to do but remain in the same room together as we worked as a team. Can you tell my family was always running in every which a way?)
2. Giving the carefully chosen gifts to all of my friends and family (I love giving other people special gifts...in fact, I have already given two friends their gifts...It gives me a feeling of euphoria)
1. Sharing Christmas with my family
What are your favorite things about Christmas?
I love it!!! My mom makes Cinnamon rolls for each of us to have on Christmas Morning as well!!